Break Through the Glass Ceiling
and Step Into Your Full Potential

Stop Playing Small and
Get Ready for Your Big Breakthrough!

Join us for for the EmpowerHer Summit, shatter inner barriers that are holding you back and unlock the leader within.

Do you feel stuck?

Do you know you're capable of achieving so much more but something invisible is holding you back?

Do you lay awake overthinking how you'll be perceived, judged, or rejected?

Do your days feel packed but unfulfilling?

Do you second guess your capabilities and mute your voice, even when you have so much wisdom to offer?

Do you find yourself numbing stress and loneliness rather than nurturing your spirit?

If you're nodding your head in agreement to any of these questions,
This summit is for you!

The Holistic Leadership Summit

Join us on the 21st of October in Accra's newest spot Number 19  for a transformational summit designed exclusively for women like you. This summit is your path to breakthrough, offering:

  • Interactive Workshops focused on identifying and moving past inner barriers related to imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and self-limiting beliefs
  • Inspiring Panels with women business leaders who have achieved success in different area's of life
  • Sisterhood circles for bonding, mentoring, and amplifying each other’s potential
  • Networking opportunities to expand your community of high-achieving women
  • An immersion in an atmosphere of empowerment and growth

After this summit, you will:

Break through what's been holding you back and embrace your capability for greatness

Discover your true passions and purpose to reinvigorate your days with meaning

Be the leader and concious co-creator of your ideal life

Build connections and practices that deeply nourish you

Gain clarity, self-awareness and strategies to catapult forward


"I went from a depression to feeling empowered and living a life I only dreamed about."
Lauriane Almeida
Creative Director
"After feeling stuck in my career, I finally had the courage to take the leap and follow my heart. Feeling fulfilled for the first time ever"
Lilianne Dos Santos
HR Consultant

So if you are ready

to shatter ceilings AND live with purpose. You're craving a breakthrough. You're ready to regain control of your career and life trajectory so you can thrive both at work and at home. 

Join the waitinglist NOW and be the first to get access to the early bird tickets!