Transform Your Life
with This Free Guide

Running towards abundance;
5 Steps to Empowered Living

Are you an ambitious woman of color, seeking to balance family, career, and your deepest dreams?

Discover the path to intentional living and abundance.

Are you constantly juggling the demands of family, work, and personal aspirations?

Do you ever feel overwhelmed, stuck in toxic patterns, or unable to manifest your deepest desires?

You're not alone.
Many women like you face daily challenges, from the complexities of motherhood to the weight of past traumas.
The struggle to balance it all can leave you feeling trapped, stressed, and far from your dreams.

But what if there was a way out?
What if you could transform your life with just 5 simple steps?
The free guide
"Running towards abundance; 5 Steps to Empowered Living,"
is your key to intentional living, abundance, and personal fulfillment.

With this guide you will

  • - Discover the secrets to intentional living.
  • - Learn how to balance family, career, and personal growth.
  • - Uncover the power of manifestation and healing.
  • - Overcome past traumas and toxic patterns.
  • - Gain control of your life and start walking toward your dreams.

After reading the guide you will be able to

  • - Live with purpose and intention every day.
  • - Find harmony between family, work, and personal life.
  • - Turn trauma into power and manifest your desires.
  • - Experience lasting transformation and growth.
  • - Become the empowered woman you've always aspired to be.


"I thought I was stuck in chaos forever, but this eBook showed me a new path. It's a game-changer!"
Mother and Entrepreneur
"Life was overwhelming until I discovered these steps. Now, I feel in control and empowered to create my dream life."
Creative Professional

Meet the author

My name is Charlene, a passionate advocate for transformation and empowerment. As a mother of four, a loving wife, and a woman of color born and raised in a white patriarchal society, I've experienced the unique challenges that life can throw at us. But I've also discovered the incredible power of intentional living and manifestation.

My journey began in a place of chaos and self-doubt. Raised in an environment marked by separation, trauma, abuse and racism, I faced adversity from a young age. But I refused to let those challenges define me. Instead, I embarked on a healing journey that led me to become an Energetic Therapist, specializing in manifestation and trauma healing.

Today, I'm dedicated to helping women of color transform their lives. I've empowered hundreds of women to turn their trauma into manifestation power, allowing them to build the lives they've always dreamed of.

With my guide, "Running towards abundance," I'm sharing the very changes that transformed my life and continue to empower others every day.

Join me on this journey to intentional living, abundance, and personal fulfillment. It's time to embrace your power and create the life you deserve.